Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Cameras Banned in White House Daily Briefings.They Can Watch Us But We Can Not Watch them?

What is going on at the White House? First, Obama announces that he will no longer provide 'staged' news photos for reporters. Then, today it was announced that the White House will 'go dark,' that is, the press today was barred from live-casting the daily news briefings provided by Press Secretary Jay Carney.
Increasingly the White House is distancing itself from news reporters, withholding vital information from the press and the public, and essentially dictating to the media when and where they are allowed to video or take pictures of the President.
In what was supposed to be 'the most transparent Administration in history,' the Obama Administration has increasingly miffed reporters, leaving them totally in the dark concerning the decision-making process, with former Press Secretary Robert Gibbs declaring curtly, 'Some things should not be done in publc view,' meaning of course that this White House and this President have become perhaps the most closed and hidden Administration in history.
The new tactic of placing broad distance between the President and news gathering entities is cause for concern. Red flags are going off in the heads of liberty-oriented citizens who see danger in the growing reluctance of the Administration to provide the public critical information concerning its actions.
It has become common knowledge among observers of the Administration that much goes on in the shadows, away from public knowledge, in what is known as 'the shadow government.' With Obama this entails not only billionaire movers and shakers who share his vision for a new world order but outright Marxists who give the President advice on a regular basis. The Cabinet has been rendered useless in this regime. Instead Obama relies on 'czars' and unpopular rejects from the White House staff who officially resigned under pressure from the public but still feed Obama information on policy initiatives. These persons include Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Valerie Jarrett, and Samantha Power--the wife of Sunstein who is now directing foreign policy in the Middle East and is widely viewed as the master-mind behind the push to allow Muslim extremist groups to come to power in Egypt and other nations in the region, and who reportedly is rabidly anti-Israel.
But now the White House has begun to choke off news stories that were previously allowed.

one observer says this tactic is being used to save the Obama Administration from some major embarrassments:
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney today turned off the briefing room lights to address reporters in an unusual off camera gaggle, taking some of the spotlight off the White House as its senior Middle East peace negotiator resigns and questions arise over whether too much information has come out about the SEAL 6 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden.
Beyond that, Carney may be a bit weary. He’s briefed on camera three times this week already, and he edgily noted as he departed today’s gaggle that he had to cut the 11:35 am session short because he had a “a 12 o’clock meeting with one of my many bosses.”
Carney would not confirm the then-breaking news that Middle East envoy George Mitchell, who was at the White House, was there to tender his resignation. But Carney didn’t deny it and said a written presidential statement would be released shortly.
The decision to hold the off-camera gaggle just before releasing news of the Mitchell resignation is consistent with a clear White House strategy to low-key the departure.
But the issue goes much deeper than an embarrassing resignation. The White House also this week issued this interesting piece of information
Such a practice of limiting reporter photos and videos, using the explanation given by the White House, appears to be no big deal. But when taken together with other numerous run-ins with the press that have characterized this Administration, citizens have every right to be wary.
A free press is central to a free republic. It is a protected first amendment right. And this White House has often shown little regard for the concept--unless Obama is presented in a positive light.

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